Produzioni Armoniche

Produzioni Armoniche

Anna Fraser for PA (2)
Soprano Anna Fraser

Two remarkable women – Antonia Padoani Bembo  and Elizabeth Jacquet de la Guerre  – rose to prominence as composers during the reign of Louis XIV. Their paths to success however, were very different. Antonia arrived in Paris seeking a career as an independent woman having extricated herself from an unworkable marriage. Her Produzioni Armoniche was put together and presented to Louis as her entrée into the musical world of the French aristocracy. Elizabeth was born in Paris and was recognized very early as a child prodigy. Given every encouragement by Louis her considerable talent encompassed virtuosic skills at the harpsichord and a large output of magnificent compositions.

We take pleasure in presenting arias and cantatas by these women, along with pieces by Rameau and Marais.

 Anna Fraser (soprano), Shaun Ng (viola da gamba), Tara Hashambhoy (violin), Joanne Arnott (recorders) Diana Weston  (harpsichord)

 Sunday November 7

Glebe Town Hall