Bach’s Universe

Bach's Universe

For the Annual Glebe Music Festival 2025

The universal joy of Friendship and Connection with friends and family shine forth in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. We celebrate this great composer in two of his master works – his Concerto for two harpsichords BWV 1061a and in the Fugue from A Musical Offering. His first son Wilhelm Friedmann absorbed his father’s influences as we hear in his Sonata for two harpsichords. Emulating this form is Diana Blom with Ball Games. And from far away Mexico a new work by Joan Josep Guitérriez.

The teamwork of Michael Tsalka and Diana Weston has been reviewed as ‘consummate’ in Harpsichord and Fortepiano Magazine ((UK). Michael and Diana invite you to share their friendship, love and skill of duo playing in Bach’s Universe.

Friday October 5

Glebe Town Hall, Glebe